Organizational Factors induce Prolonged Emergency Department Length of Stay in Elderly Patients

Brouns, S.H.A., Lambooij, S.L.E., Dieleman, J., Vanderfeesten, I.T.P., Stassen, P.M., Haak, H.R.

Voorzitter(s): dr. R. Heijligberg, Ede & dr. A.F. Mulder, Utrecht

Locatie(s): Zaal 0.2/0.3


Introduction: Prolonged Emergency Department Length of Stay (ED-LOS) is associated with delay in treatment, poor medical outcome and patient dissatisfaction. ED-LOS is regarded as an important quality indicator of emergency care. The impact of prolonged ED-LOS has been studied in various conditions and populations. However, information on ED-LOS in elderly patients is limited.

Aim of the study: To gain insight into ED-LOS in elderly (≥65 years) ED patients and into the organizational factors that influence ED-LOS.

Materials and Methods: A retrospective cohort study of internal medicine patients, who visited the ED of Máxima Medical Centre between September 2010 and September 2011, was performed. All patients ≥65 years and a random sample of patients

Results: Data on 1782 ED visits of elderly patients and a random sample of 597 ED visits of patients

Conclusion: ED-LOS was considerably longer in elderly patients than in patients


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